Thank You Bartender…

 …for the exquisite place setting for dinner

…for your knowledge of wine

…for your gracious suggestions as I fumble to decide

…for delivering a scrumptious meal

…for suggesting the extra sauce is really wonderful for dip

…for offering a recyclable to-go-box for my leftovers

…for offering the to-go-box a second time

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…for suggesting leftovers are okay to keep, where ever you might be

…for the comfort of a midnight snack

…for the memories of engaging conversation over a delicious meal

…for helping me Save Food

“Global food wastage is one of the most pressing problems of our age. In efforts to reduce the wastage of food, the packaging industry can make a valuable contribution. At the same time, the challenges facing the packaging industry vary widely according to the nature of the market: industrialised, developing or emerging…….

…….To reduce food wastage, packages should always be appropriate to consumers’ individual needs and to local conditions. And this is indeed one of the biggest challenges for manufacturers of packaging materials and packaging machines in applying their broad expertise and many years of experience to help reduce global food wastage.”
– Christian Traumann, President of Interpack 2011

About Pack Systems

Karen is a recovering corporate engineer turned consultant for small, medium-sized and large CPG firms in the Food & Beverage industry. She can be found tweeting about engineering, food making and food waste, making the Denver Mini Maker Faire, sewing bags and clothes, screen printing, making a mess in her kitchen or engineering facility network optimizations and product launches.

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